Team of experts
Caroline Bienert
- Works as an internationally renowned nutritionist / metabolism expert at a private practice in Munich - London - Dubai
- Metabolic optimization for high-performance personalities for cases relating to obesity, skin problems, allergies, diabetes, eczema, etc.
- Natural detoxing – natural anti-aging for more vitality, joy in life, health and a perfect body feeling
- Author of "the bodycoach - personal food coaching" - Krüger Publishing House
- More info:
Susanne Wendel
- Considered to be Germany's spunkiest health expert
- Studied ecotrophology in Bonn, Germany (diploma in nutritional science)
- Book author (“Richtig essen im Job” [Eating Right on the Job], “Lebst du not oder stirbst du schon” [Are you still alive or already dying”])
- Has worked since 2001 as a food trainer and consultant for companies and institutions in the food- and health industry
Janina Klein
- Has worked as a nutritional advisor in Hamburg since 2003
- Studied ecotrophology in Kiel and Bonn in Germany (diploma in nutritional science)
- Writes health articles for various consumer publications and professional journals
- Is a member of the Association of Qualified Ecotrophologists (VDOE)
Nunzio Esposito
- One of Germany's most successful personal trainers
- Fitness coach for top models such as Susann Raddatz and Katharina Adamova
- Was a fitness expert in the 2012 season of “The Biggest Loser” on Sat1 and for the RTL documentary “Das große Abnehmen” [The Big Weight Loss]
- Developer of the training method “UndergroundCoaching” in which the focus is both on the body and on consciousness
- More info:
Farina Rösner
- Works independently as a consultant, trainer and coach since 2010
- Expert in the field of individual coaching in the following topical fields: rhetoric and behavior training, walk & talk, mental coaching, instructions for self-reflection and conflict management
- Motto: Every path follows its destiny!
- Adheres to an integrated concept in which professional and private aspects coalesce
- More info:
Nicola Rohner
- Coach and trainer on topics such as life balance, business yoga, strength through breathing, nutrition, awareness, burnout, mental training, time competence
- Since 2008 holistic training & coaching, workshops and individual seminars on yoga, chakra, burnout prevention, etc.
- Developed the high balance® concept: HOLISTIC COACHING with a focus on an integrated approach, which targets the personal development of body, mind and spirit
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